Age Calculator: Find Your Age from Date of Birth Online

The age calculator can accurately determine age in the Hijri and Gregorian calendar in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds.

Gregorian date
Hijri Date
Your age in Gregorian 0 Year(s) - 0 Month(s) - 0 Day(s)
Your date of birth in Gregorian 28 March 2025
Your date of birth in Gregorian Numeric 28-3-2025
Your birthday is Friday
Your date of birth in Hijri 28 Ramaḍān 1446
Your date of birth in Hijri Numeric 28-9-1446
Until your birthday 364 Day(s)
You are born into a season Spring
Your horoscope is Aries

Age calculator

The age calculator can be used to calculate a person’s age based on the Gregorian or Hijri date of his birth, in order to verify the required legal age when performing many transactions or to add the exact age when registering on some websites and electronic networks. Also, calculating age is useful in determining a healthy weight. In addition to many other things.

Hijri Age calculator

When calculating the age in the Hijri year, the lunar year, which includes three hundred and fifty-five 355 days, is relied upon instead of the solar year. This means that the Hijri age exceeds the person’s Gregorian age, and the difference between them increases by a full year approximately every thirty-five years. It is necessary to know the date. Gregorian birth to calculate age accurately.

Gregorian Age Calculator

A person can calculate the Gregorian age very easily through the calendar. One Gregorian year includes three hundred and sixty-five 365 days, which increases by one day to become three hundred and sixty-six 366 days in a leap year. Age in Gregorian is calculated by calculating the difference in years, then the difference in months, then the difference in days.

Age Calculator: in Months, Days, Hours, Minutes & Seconds

Calculating age in minutes and seconds requires knowing the person’s solar date of birth or lunar date of birth, in addition to knowing the hour and second in which he was born. After that, this information is entered into the age calculator to find out the age in hours, minutes, and seconds, along with knowing the age in years, months, and days as well.

How to use the age calculator

The age calculator allows you to accurately know the Hijri and Gregorian calendar age, through the following steps:

  • Choose the appropriate calendar; Calculation according to the Gregorian date or calculation according to the Hijri date.
  • Enter the date of birth in detail, including day, month and year, in the spaces designated for that.
  • Click on the Calculate button.
  • A detailed table will appear showing age in Gregorian and Hijri, date of birth, and many other data related to age.

Calculate age and zodiac sign

Many astrological constellations bear the names of animals, including: Aries, Leo, Cancer, and Taurus, and there are several other constellations with different names. The constellation is determined according to the month in which the person was born in the year according to the date of the appearance of the group of stars represented by this sign. The sign is in the sky, and age is calculated based on the year, month and day, while the zodiac sign can be calculated based on the month and day alone.

Chinese Age Calculator

The Chinese year differs significantly from the Gregorian year and the Hijri year, and it also carries different month names from the months of these two calendars. It is the year that is relied upon in the calendar within the People’s Republic of China. The age calculator can be used to calculate the Chinese age after knowing the date of birth in the Chinese calendar and then entering Required date of birth data and calculation procedure.

Online age calculator program

The online age calculator program helps in knowing the person’s Gregorian and Hijri age very easily without the need to perform any calculations. Rather, one must enter the year of birth and then enter the month and day so that the age calculator shows the result directly on the screen. It is a tool that is used directly over the Internet without the need to To download any programs or applications.

How to calculate age using age calculator

Age is calculated using a dedicated calculator by entering the year in which a person was born – whether it is the solar Gregorian year or the Hijri lunar year – then adding the month, then the day, and if you want to know the age in minutes and seconds as well; It is necessary to enter the hour, minute and second in which the person was born to perform the calculation and then display the age easily.

Free Gregorian and Hijri age calculator website

All those wishing to know their age according to the Gregorian or Hijri date can rely on the free Gregorian and Hijri age calculation site instead of using paid applications or programs. This site is also distinguished by its ease of use, and the site does not need any information other than the date of birth in Hijri or Gregorian to know the age directly.